5 steps, 5 minutes.

Thank you for taking those crucial first steps towards improving your emotional wellbeing. We are excited to work with you! Let's get you set up, in 5 simple steps:

  1. Complete the registration form on the following page
  1. You will then be prompted to take an Emotional Wellbeing Assessment (DASS-21) to measure your emotional health focusing on the three states of depression, anxiety and stress. Your results will provide an indication of your overall emotional well-being and a starting point for you and your coaches to identify key areas to focus on.
  1. Get your results immediately, along with suggested next steps. Depending on your results, you may be eligible for a Digital Coaching Programme.
  1. Follow the instructions to download the Naluri app, and start chatting with your personal team of coaches
  1. Explore the rest of the resources available within the Articles & Videos section of MIA Members Assistance Programme website.